Sunday, December 8, 2013

blog post #5 presidential qualities

One president quality that catches my attention is John F. Kennedy's great looks. He knew how to make his image stand out and please the crowd with charm. No matter what he could of smiled and they would of applauded. He was a crowd "pleaser" and his popularity shown. This quality aloud him to when his election against his opponent. While his opponent was sweating during his speach JFK presented his without even breaking his posture or composure.

Another presidential quality I enjoyed was Obama's way of change. He delivered his speech for his presidency and was labeled as an era it's time for a change. People fell in love with this especially since he is the first black president. He even brought forth the Obama Care Act.

One more president quality was Nixon's cunning and deceiving ability. I loved how he persuaded and deceived people to get what he wants. One event that everyone remembers and what made him resign before impeached is the "Watergate" issue. Plus he recorded every conversation he had.